This article describes how to view and analyze your Network Topology according to regions, and includes:
The default Network Topology map view displays the regional alert condition, as shown below. This view shows the upper level regions in your network, which are colored according to their current stability in a scale of 0-100%.
The % calculation is based on the following:
- Nodes that generated alerts in the whole region/Total nodes in the whole region * 100.
For example, if your region has 90 nodes that have created alerts out of a total of 100 nodes for the region, the formula for the % calculation is 90/100 x 100 = 90%. The icon is shown in red, indicating there is a high percentage of alerts for the region (see the following bullet). - The region icon coloring is based on the following:
- Green: 0-25%
- Yellow: 25-50%
- Orange: 50-75%
- Red: 75-100%
How to investigate a Network Topology region
This section describes how to drilldown into a region to understand the impact on the region and its various technologies.
To investigate a Network Topology region:
- From the Navigation Panel, click Topology. The Network Topology map view is displayed.
- Click on a region in the Network Topology map,
In the Locations tab, click on one of the listed regions, which are sorted by the highest impacted.
- The Locations tab displays the impacted technologies, as shown below. Hover over a specific technology to display a popup window that details how the technology has been impacted. You can also click on a technology to filter the nodes according to that technology.
- Click the Alerts tab (as shown in Step 3) to view the region's open alerts, which are created either on the region itself, or on one of its sub sites, nodes, cells, interfaces, etc. Note that you can click on an alert to view all the entities of the alert; for more information, see Viewing Network Topology issues.
- Click the Top Alerted Sites tab to view the regional site impact view, which displays all the sites in the region sorted by impact.
You can click on a site to display the site node in the tab or on the Network Topology map. The site node (hover over the node on the map to view the popup displayed below) includes a variety of information on the node, including the number of entities located under the site and their current severity status.
In addition, when clicking the site in the Top Alerted Sites tab, the Site view is displayed, which shows the alerts for the selected site; for more information, see Reviewing a region's site level view.
Reviewing a region's site level view
Once you have clicked on the relevant region to investigate, you can then review any site within the region to view and analyze any alerts.
To access and review a site level view:
- In the Top Alerted Sites tab, click the relevant site. The Topology map displays the relevant network entities (such as nodes, cells, and links, as well as the status of the entity) that have generated alerts, as shown below. Note that you can click on an entity to investigate the alerts for that entity.
- In the Alerts tab, click on an alert. All the entities specific to the alert are displayed on the Topology map, and the metrics are listed to the left of the map.
- Click on a metric to view details about the anomaly; explore and investigate the incident as required. Note that you can expand the graph view (click Open All Graphs) to see all the relevant metric graphs for the anomaly. You can also view the incident on the Topology map to understand if there is an issue in the immediate vicinity.