There are a number of dashboard views and filters you can use to customize the displayed Dashboards. This article describes the various views and filters, and includes:
Selecting a Filter mode
There are two Filter modes for Dashboards, Normal and Apply. These two modes are available when creating a Dashboard and enable you to define how the Dashboards are updated.
- Normal: This is the default filter mode for dashboards; when selecting a dashboard filter (as described in the section below), the Dashboard tiles are immediately updated with the selected values.
- Apply: Select this option when creating the Dashboard to add an Apply option to the displayed dimension value lists (as shown below). The Dashboard tiles are only updated with the selected values when clicking Apply. This can be especially useful for resource-intensive Dashboards.
Filtering your Dashboard view
In addition to the filters available for the main Dashboard window (as described in the Dashboard Overview), you can filter the view for each individual Dashboard. This section includes how to work with these filters:
Note that when you are in Edit mode and modify your filtered view, this view becomes the default view for the Dashboard (when clicking Save Dashboard a message is displayed informing you of this default view). All users accessing the Dashboard will also see this view, although they can also modify the view according to their own requirements.
Define a time frame
You can set a time frame for the displayed Dashboards in view or edit mode. To set the time frame, select the relevant option from the Time Frame dropdown list, as shown below. You can also define a custom date range (see the procedure below).
You can also select the Time Scale, as indicated at the bottom of the displayed options. This option aggregates metrics into 1 minute, 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day and 1 week intervals. Anodot also computes anomalies on each time scale independently.
When viewing metrics in Dashboards or the Metrics tab, Anodot automatically selects the viewing time scale based on the Time Range selected.
To set a custom time frame:
- In the Dashboard window, select Custom from the Time Frame dropdown list.
- In the displayed window, set the time frame according to one of the following:
- Range (select the From and To date range)
- Relative (select to show the last n hours/days/weeks)
- Relative + Future (select to show the last n hours/days/weeks AND the next n hours/days/weeks
Alternatively, click the Time Presets tab to define the time presets that will be displayed in the Time Frame dropdown list. Click on a time frame to add it to the list; when selected, a blue star indicates it is added to the list.
- (Optional) Click Save as Preset to add the defined range as an option in the Time Frame dropdown list.
- Click Apply to apply the time range to the Dashboards.
Filter the Dashboard view
When in Edit mode only, you can create and update the dashboard filters. These filters are applicable to all tiles on the Dashboard, and you can add as many filters as required.
To add a filter:
- In the selected Dashboard, click Edit. The dashboard is displayed in Edit mode.
- Click the Filters button, and select the relevant metrics.
- If the dashboard is in Apply mode (see Selecting a Filter mode above), the Apply option is displayed; click Apply to update the dashboard view.
If the dashboard is in Normal mode, the dashboard is updated automatically with the selected values.
NOTE: To clear the contents of the selected filter, click the arrow icon alongside the dimension name (next to Campaign in the example below) and select Clear. To delete the filter, select Remove.
Set a refresh rate
You can set a refresh rate for each Dashboard by clicking and selecting the relevant refresh rate.
Select from:
- Off – Disable automatic refresh
- Refresh Now – Immediate refresh
- Every Minute
- Every 5 Minutes
- Every 10 Minutes
- Every 15 Minutes
- Every 30 Minutes
- Every Hour