The Alert Console is the repository of all your Anodot alerts.
On the Alert Console page you can:
- Set the Refresh rate, access Alerts Management and create new alerts
- Filter alerts
- Assign alerts
- View the Business Impact
- Acknowledge alerts
- Investigate alerts
- Tune alerts
- Snooze
- Send us Feedback
To access the Alert Console:
From the Navigation Panel, click Alerts Console. The Alert Console page is displayed, as shown below.
To set a refresh rate for the displayed list, click (located above the list of alerts) and select from the list of refresh values.
To access the Alert Management page in order to manage and edit the alerts, click Alert Management.
To create a new alert, click + New Alert.
- Use the pagination option above the list of alerts to browse other alerts.
- To show/hide metric graphs, click anywhere within the alert row.
- To change the sort order of any of the alert parameters, hover over the column heading.
- To display the full name of a truncated alert, hover over it.
- To see the exact Started time / Updated time of an alert, hover over it.
indicates open alerts.
In addition, the following columns on the Alert Console page provide general alert information.
Assignee | The user assigned to the alert |
Started | When the anomaly started |
Updated | The last time an alert was updated |
Duration | The total time from when the anomaly first started to the last time it was updated |
Score | The Metric anomaly significance score |
Metrics | The total number of metrics in the alerts notification since the alert started |
Filtering Alerts
To show/hide the Filters panel, click the Filters button. The Alert Console can be filtered using any combination of the following parameters:
Choose a time span during which anomalies started. The default is Last 24 hours. Select to display open alerts only. The default is to show all. Select a Recipient(s) from the list of Users / Channels. Select any labels applied to alerts.
Select the relevant severity (Info, Low, Medium, High, Critical). Select the Severity View checkbox to display severity markers for all alerts. Select either Marked as "Good Catch" or Marked as "Not Interesting" to provide feedback (relevant for all alert types: anomaly, static, and no data) Select the relevant Assignee, and Alert Type (Anomaly, Static, No Data).
To view the filters applied:
Hover over the Filters button to display a summary of the filters used.
Assigning Alerts
You can assign an alert to any selected user within the Alert Console.
To assign a user to an alert:
- Hover over the alert row, and in the Assignee column, click the user icon.
- In the displayed dropdown list, select the relevant user. The user is immediately assigned to the alert and a notification is sent to the user.
- To remove the assigned user, hover over the user icon and click the X icon, as shown below,
Viewing the Business Impact
Alerts that have been configured with a Business Impact Value are shown in the Alert Console with a value and currency shown in red (negative impact) or green (positive impact), as defined in the relevant data streams. Note that the value is "stamped" by the opening trigger; the overall value is cumulative throughout the trigger’s metrics.
For further information about configuring and measuring Business Impact values, see Measuring Business Impact.
Acknowledging Alerts
Alerts that are being watched either by you or other users are Acknowledged.
- To acknowledge an Alert, hover over the Alert you want to watch/not watch, and click the
- The alert is moved to the top of the Alert Console page.
- To see who is watching an alert, hover over the Acknowledge icon to the left of the Start Time.
Investigating Alerts
Anomaly and Static Threshold Alerts can be investigated from the Alert Console page.
- Hover over the alert's row, to display the More icon.
- Click the More icon > Investigate.
See Investigating Anomalies
Tuning Alerts
Anomaly and Static Threshold Alerts can be tuned from the Alert Console page.
- Hover over the alert's row, to display the More icon.
- Click the More icon > Tune Alert.
See Alerts Overview
Snoozing Alerts
When Snooze is activated, alerts are not sent. The Snooze function stops alerting metric anomalies in the context of the alert for a specific time frame.
Note: The same metric may fire alerts when used in another alert.
Use Snooze when you anticipate a metric behaving anomalously; for example when you know that there's going to be a planned downtime or a partner stopped working with a particular version.
To snooze an alert:
- Hover over the alert row you want to snooze.
- Click the Snooze Alert icon
- Choose from the dropdown menu:
- Either a set Standard time-frame for all the metrics in the alert.
- Or Custom to stop selected metrics from those triggered in the alert for a specified time-period. - Select which metrics to Snooze.
- Select which metrics to Pause Learning.
Note: By default, Anodot pauses normal behavior learning while a metric is snoozed as we do not want to learn behavior when a user implies that the behavior is not relevant. By deselecting Pause Learning Anodot will continue to learn behavior, as it usually does. - In the Custom Snooze dialog box, select the following:
- Snooze Alerts and Pause Learning to pause alerts and learning behavior(default): on the Alerts Console;
- Pause Learning to pause learning only:on the Alerts Console;
- Snooze to pause alerts only [deselect Pause Learning]:on the Alerts Console.
- All users can snooze alerts.
- To end snooze, click the Snooze Alert icon > End Snooze.
- The date under the Snooze icon on the Alert Console page indicates when the snooze period will end; the metrics will re-trigger the alert.
Sending Us Feedback
Note that feedback is relevant for all alert types: anomaly, static, and no data.