Description |
Replaces the metric name with the given string. |
Input |
Time Series: Multiple (Single or multiple time-series) |
Parameters |
Metric Name |
Mandatory, string |
Output |
Transformed Time Series: Multiple |
Available in |
Dashboards |
The Alias function enables you to replace a metric name with any other desired string.
Usage Example (simple)
A company tracks the number of new users visiting specific pages and performing specific actions in its web application. Here is a single metric, characterized by four properties, as depicted in the legend and the tooltip information below:
After applying the Alias function, both the legend and the tooltip specify only the chosen alias string:
Usage Example (advanced)
The Alias function is useful when you want a Dashboard to display metrics that were transformed, and to be able to identify them easily.
Below is a subset of new user metrics:
Say a company wants to monitor the sum of new users across time, by comparing each sample in the summed time-series with the same samples registered 1 week and 2 weeks before.
This can be achieved by creating a dashboard chart with three distinct expressions; the original summed time-series, and two TimeShifted time-series (7 days and 14 days):
After applying the Alias function, both the legend and the tooltip specify only the chosen alias string. This makes each metric distinct, and you can choose any desired alias to highlight any possible transformation: