By default, Anodot notifies you when the defined anomaly threshold is breached (ALERT OPEN), returns to normal state (ALERT CLOSE), and possibly when the anomaly is updated (ALERT UPDATE).
To reduce the noise in your inbox, you can disable the ALERT CLOSE and ALERT UPDATE notifications in the alert settings, as shown below.
To disable the ALERT CLOSE and ALERT UPDATE notifications:
- Go to the relevant alert in the Alert Management screen (from the Navigation Panel, click Management > Alerts).
- Hover over the relevant alert in the displayed list, and click Edit.
- In the displayed Edit Alert screen, scroll down the left navigation pane to display the Alert Notifications section, as shown below.
- To disable the ALERT CLOSE notifications, click on the Alert Close toggle switch.
- To disable the ALERT UPDATE notifications, click on the Alert Update toggle switch.
- Click Update Alert to implement your changes.