To enable the gradual migration of Dashboards, Anodot allows Classic and V2.0 Dashboards to co-exist. However, we recommend you migrate specific Dashboards from Classic to V2.0, as and when possible, to take advantage of the new Dashboard functionality.
To migrate a Dashboard to V2.0:
- In the main Dashboards screen, locate a Classic Dashboard you own.
- Click on the Dashboard you want to convert, and then Convert to New Dashboard.
NOTE: We recommend you first duplicate your Dashboard (by selecting the Duplicate Dashboard option) to ensure you have a backup copy of the Dashboard. - In the displayed dialog, click Convert this dashboard. Anodot automatically converts the Dashboard to the V2.0 format.
- Test the newly created Dashboard. Note that because the Classic and V2.0 Dashboards do not have an identical feature-set, the migration might not be 1:1.
NOTE: You can select to Revert to Classic from an upgraded Dashboard. However, if you duplicated the Dashboard in the previous step, there should be no reason to.