Dashboards and Anoboards enable users to collect specific metrics they are interested in monitoring on one standalone page.
- Dashboard: Dashboards, accessed from the Dashboards option in the Anodot Navigation Panel, are a collection of metrics that you group together for ongoing analysis; for example, you can group a number of marketing-related metrics under a "Marketing" Dashboard. The main Dashboards management page, shown below, enables you to view all of your Dashboards at a glance, and quickly find the one you need. Each Dashboard can contain a number of user-defined graphs, metrics, or text tiles. See Dashboard Overview for further information.
- Anoboard: Anoboards show anomalies in a predefined set of metrics. Anoboards can be accessed from the Anomalies option in the Anodot main navigation panel; selecting an Anoboard dashboard enables you to investigate issues you received from alert notifications. See Anomalies Overview for further information.