Anodot provides support for server monitoring through a native integration with collectd. This capability makes it trivial to get system metrics like CPU, Load, Disk and Network I/O for all your hosts into Anodot.
collectd is one of the most popular and widely deployed OSS system monitoring agents. It is used for everything from basic statistics gathering, to performance analysis and capacity planning. Written in C, it is fast, lightweight, and included by default in most Linux distributions. With over 90 plugins, it is also quite flexible.
Follow these instructions to setup and use collectd with Anodot.
To download and install collectd:
- If your system is running Ubuntu, Debian or other Debian-based Linux distributions, run the following command:
"sudo apt-get install collectd"
- If your system is running RedHat Linux, CentOS or other RPM-based Linux distributions, run the following command:
"sudo yum install collectd"
To get your API token:
- Open the main Anodot Navigation panel.
- Click the Copy to clipboard icon by the Token.
To configure sending metrics to Anodot:
- Create a file named conf under your plugin directory conf.d and add the following:
LoadPlugin write_http
<Plugin write_http>
<URL "<YOUR API TOKEN>&protocol=collectd">
Format "Json"
StoreRates true
</Plugin>Replace <YOUR API TOKEN> with your Anodot.
- Restart collectd:
sudo /etc/init.d/collectd restart