This article describes how to view anomaly charts, including how to zoom in on a chart for in-depth analysis.
Viewing anomaly charts
To view anomaly charts:
- From the main Navigation panel, click Anomalies. The All Anoboards page is displayed.
- Click the Anomalies tile you want to view.
- Scroll down to Anomalies. By default, all anomalies for the last hour are shown.
- To change the Time Range, in the Time Range dropdown list, select a time range, either one of the Last n range values or Custom to open the date and time picker dialog box.
- To view more or fewer anomalies, slide the Significance bar to the right or left to raise or lower the anomaly significance.
- To only view anomalies of shorter or longer duration, slide the Min Duration bar to the left or right.
- Click the Open Only control to display only open anomalies that are not resolved.
- The counter indicates which of the metrics is shown, out of the total number of metrics that meet the parameters selected in the Anomalies filter panel, out of the total number of metrics in the anomaly.
In this example:
1 = the 1st of 4 metrics that meet the anomaly parameters
4 = the total number of metrics meeting the selected anomaly parameters
14 = total number of metrics in the anomaly
Use the left/right chevrons to scroll the metrics.
9. To Bookmark an Anomaly, click the Bookmark icon . You can select which bookmarked anomaly metrics to display. In the Anomalies definition panel, select from the Bookmarked Anomalies dropdown menu:
- Mine - Anomalies you bookmarked
- Other's - Anomalies bookmarked by others
- None - Anomalies with no bookmarks
- All Bookmarked - Anomalies with bookmarks
- All Anomalies - Ignore bookmarks when filters
10. To display all the anomalies in a group, click INVESTIGATE in the Metrics info bar.
All the anomalies in the group are shown. To return to the Anoboards window, click the back arrow .
Note: The full Metric expression is displayed in each chart. Hover over the expression to display the complete expression.
Anomaly chart components
This section describes the main components of an anomaly chart.
Start Date and Duration / Number or Metrics /Time Scale – are displayed on the info bar at the top of the chart. |
Anomalies - are indicated in Orange Baseline - indicated in pale blue is the range of expected values predicted for the metric. |
Significance - is defined on a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 being the most significant. It is displayed at the top left corner of the chart. |
Open only anomalies– To switch between showing all anomalies or only open anomalies, use the Open [unresolved] only toggle key |
Indicates an open anomaly |
Groups - Anodot categorizes all related metrics with anomalies occurring at the same time as a group. The number of Anomalies shown on the right of the All Anomalies tab is the number of anomaly groups. Each chart within a group represents one of the metrics, even if there is only one anomaly,
- To sequentially open the charts, use the group right and left arrows (
- To show all the anomalies in a specific group, click Investigate.
When opening a group, not all charts in the group may show. Only charts that meet the filter criteria will be shown. Adjust filters to show additional charts as required.
Tabs - When a chart is opened, a new tab is created in the Anomalies toolbar. When investigating an issue, you can open multiple anomalies and easily switch between them by clicking the tabs.
Sort - Anomalies can be sorted by Start date, Significance or Delta. Select a sort order from the Sort dropdown menu:
Zooming in on anomaly charts
- Select a chart.
- Place the cursor to one side of an anomaly spike and while holding the left mouse button down, drag the cursor to the other side of the spike.
Adjust the selected area to include the target time range and release the mouse button.
The time scale expands to show greater detail for the anomaly.
- To reset the zoom, click